Our Mission
To reach people with the life-giving message of Jesus that they might become fully devoted followers of Christ.  

Our Purpose 
To help people take their first step and next steps of faith in relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our Model
Gather. Group. Grow. Go  

GATHER- Whether it’s on Sunday for 75 minutes, at a weekly youth night or at a special event, we highly value people gathering together. It’s inspiring.  Inspiration comes through unity, connection, celebration, stories of what God has done and is doing and fun. Every time we gather we will try to make these five things a priority. 

GROUP- Relationships matter. Relationships help people be real. When people are real they can discover more about themselves and can be honest about their dreams, shortcomings, challenges and victories. It’s a high priority that everyone in our church has a chance to find relationships where they are challenged, encouraged and supported. So we’ve developed Small Groups to help make friends, make disciples and make a difference.  

GROW- Sometimes the only thing keeping people from living the life that God has for them is they don’t know how. We make great efforts to educate them in two ways. First we have Discovery Class which teaches people Who We Are (as a church), How To Live (as a Christian), Who You Are (as a creation of God) and How To Give (learning to be part of the team). Our other educational process is Common College where people will be educated on a Bibical Worldview or how practically to apply a biblical worldview to life.  

GO- We don’t think anyone who knows Jesus will do nothing for him. We want people to apply their faith as they grow in it. This happens in several ways. It happens by serving on Crew North, the team that makes the weekly functioning of the church happen, getting involved in community engagement individually or with your small group, and taking opportunities to join missions trips when they’re available.  

Our Beliefs
We are a Canadian Foursquare Church.  For more information on Foursquare beliefs, check out http://www.foursquare.ca/what-we-believe.html