Thrive is the youth ministry of Northgate Church. At Thrive, our mission is all about connection. We want students to find a safe place to connect with other students, with leaders who care about them, the Church, and most importantly, with God. Our leaders love to hang out with students, and we do everything we can to keep Thrive a fun and safe place to be.

Throughout the year we have summer events, retreats, and our very own youth conference called Consumed! Click HERE to check out the Consumed website!


Now that some restrictions surrounding COVID-19 are lifting, Thrive will be offering weekly summer events for students in grades 6-12. All of our events will be run in accordance with our church's COVID-19 Ministry Re-Engagement Package which you can find HERE. Each student will be required to register for our summer events and fill out a waiver form prior to arrival. The registration and waiver form covers all of our summer events. See the Summer 2020 Resources tab to your left for all the forms and schedules.

Thrive events will be held weekly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays starting June 30th and ending August 19th. The full summer schedule can be found in the Summer 2020 Resources tab to your left.

Tuesdays: Junior Youth

Junior Youth is for students that are going into grades 6-8. Their schedule can be found in the Summer 2020 Resources tab.

Wednesdays: High School Youth

High School Youth is for students that are going into grade 9 to 2020 grads. Their schedule can be found in the Summer 2020 Resources tab.

To get your youth connected:

In addition to our weekly events, we have other social media engagements. We have content out on our social media platforms for students to engage in. Click HERE to access all the links you need for your youth!

Fill in your info below and we'll get your youth setup!


More Information

For more info about any upcoming events, news posts or our program in general, contact us and we'll get back to you ASAP.