Are you asking yourselves “now what” after retirement?

 Is God asking you to walk out into the community to help? As seniors we have amazing things to do yet if we allow God to guide us.

Activities of the program will include:
  • Getting to know yourself and your spiritual gifts
  • Weekly visits to long-term care units and the local hospital for bible reading and companionship
  • Attend a 4-day bible camp in Nanoose Bay in August
  • Help in Port Alberni with our church plant
  • Attend the Global Leadership Conference in October
  • Support the Northgate ministries as needed
  • Prepare and deliver a Christmas mission to be determined by the VDP participants
  • Weekly attendance at Young at Heart
  • Participation in learning through the Foursquare Ministerial Diploma program
  • Individualized workshops facilitated by the pastors of the church
Program Details

There will be a limit of 12 participants in this 6-month program. Applications for 2019 are now closed, and the next intake will be in March 2020.

The hours will generally be from 10 AM to 2 PM, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Participants will need to have a total commitment to the 6 months and be willing to help or do road trips outside of these days as needed. This is an opportunity to work in a close-knit team whose mission is to perform God’s work through learning more about Him and reaching out to the community to share His love.

There is an approximate cost of $1,500 for the full 6 months that incudes all activities and road trips. This amount will be required upon acceptance into the program so that we can book activities.

Jan Alexander is the Director of this program. Please direct all inquires to Jan at or call the church office.

Next Intake: March 2020