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Hey church family!   Can we just take a second to celebrate that we had 545 people in church on Sunday! That’s a lot of people. Thanks for being a part of what going on here at Northgate! Thanks for inviting friends, making friends, growing with us and believing for a city and nation to be changed! God is still changing lives!   This Sunday is Small Group Sunday! We do a Sunday like this 3 times per year because we really believe that if you’re not in a small group, you’re missing out on the fullness of what God has for you in your life and at Northgate. So consider getting signed up for one!   Here’s a testimony of Joey, who joined a small group last year:   “Our small group has been a community where we can be vulnerable with other people who love Jesus, without judgment. We support and lift each other up through this busy, tiresome, joyful season of early parenthood. The blessing of this village on our family has been stronger then our own family and is such a witness to God’s love.”   Don’t miss out on that! Have a great weekend!   See you on Sunday!