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Hey Family!

Isn't it great that as we walk down this Road to Recovery, we get to do it with a whole lot of people by our side?  If you don't feel like being a part of Northgate has led to you having support around you, you need to join a small group!  We want everyone to find people to celebrate the great things with and have those people to walk through the challenging times with!  Just this last week we heard the story of Joey and Sam who just had their third baby!  Their small group leaders rallied the small group and covered meals for them for a week!  What a great story of people caring for people because of the love Jesus has put in our hearts.  This week we'll be talking about the important role that others play in your journey of recovery. Come on out to church to be part of inspiring worship, hear stories of recovery, and catch a message from scripture as we continue on this road to recovery. Bring someone along with you.  They'll thank you!

See you in Church!