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Hello Family!

What a great time it was last week honouring and inspiring some grads!  It's exciting to imagine where they will all be in the next 5-10 years.  Pray for them as they continue to enjoy the journey with God.  And this week we transition from grads to dads.  We're excited to honour and inspire the dads and the men of our church.  There's something exciting about what could happen in our valley and in the world if dads would dream for the next generation, train them, love them, invest in them and believe in them.  Come celebrate dads with us this weekend!  Not just the biological dads, but the dads of our church family and the family of God.  It's going to be a fun time!  Plus if you're a guy there might just be a little treat waiting for you when you come!  Bring someone who needs some encouragement!  They'll thank you!

See you in church!