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Hey Family!

Well, the sun is here!  It's amazing to live in the Comox Valley especially in the summer time!  And so great to be part of a church that gets to dream for making an impact on this incredible place for Jesus!  This weekend is going to be a fun one for a van full of ladies who are heading down to GT in Victoria on Saturday.  And for the rest of us, on Sunday lets come together and celebrate the special things God is doing in our midst!  We'll be reminded that great things grow out of dirt this week as we carry on the series called Good Soil.  If you missed the first of the series you can catch it here.  Maybe there's someone who needs to hear that they are invited to church with you this week?  They might feel like dirt and could use the reminder of what God does with dirt!  God's planting great seeds!  Let's get excited!

See you in church!