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Hello Family!

We hope your week is going well.  It's amazing to think of what happens every week in our lives, but also what happens every week in the life of this church.  Moms and Tots, Youth, Young At Heart, The Freestore and Soup And Sandwich happen every single week at the church and are led by volunteers who serve so faithfully.  What a joy to be part of such a place and such a movement!  And this weekend is an exciting one!  Pastor Allen is going to speak to us in week two of our series called In The Meantime.  He'll be talking about what it means to honour a leader even when you don't agree with them.  As David did this for Saul he became more and more the man he needed to be to rule Israel.  It will be a great weekend!  Invite a friend.  They'll thank you!

Have a GREAT long weekend!

See you in church!