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Hello Family!

What an amazing spring we've been having.  The Comox Valley really comes alive at this time of the year.  It's so great to be part of a church that's alive and growing as well!  We're glad that you're a part of it with us!  And while we're growing, we're not 'there' yet.  
We have dreams for this church just as we all have dreams for our own lives and it's usually quite obvious that we haven't gotten where we're going yet.  So what do we do when we can see where we should be but we can't get there right now?  What do we do when we know where our family, finances, friendships, and careers could be but don't know how to get them there?  What do we do in the meantime?  
That's what we'll be talking about for the next few weeks as we look at David's life between the time when he was anointed as king and when he actually became king.  God does great things in the meantime.  Someone you know may need to hear that.  Bring them out to church!  They'll thank you!

See you at church!