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Hello Family!

It's a great time to be a part of Northgate Church!  We've had many stories recently of people coming to know Jesus on Sundays, in small groups and even in workplaces!  How amazing!  Plus we've got a lot going on at church right now!  Consumed is coming in just over a week and tickets are available for our December 2 Carols Live Event this Sunday!  It's a fun time of year!  Plus this Sunday we're entering the second week of our series called Simple.  We're talking about Believing.  People often start their journey with Jesus by following, but when you follow Jesus for long enough, eventually you may discover that you believe he is who he says he is.  Lets talk about what that means this week!  It's a great time to bring out friends!  We're growing all the time, but want to constantly be making room for more to be part of this with us!  

See you in church!