Hello Family!

We hope you've had an incredible week.  It's exciting that The Church exists, moves and impacts all through the week since the church is the people of God not just the place that they meet.  Yet it's so exciting everytime we meet.  Last Sunday was a special Sunday where Pastor Allen shared a little of his own journey and connected it and us back to the story of Bathsheba and David.  You'll want to listen online if you haven't heard it!  And this week we get to wrap up our Wonder Women series by looking at the story of Ruth.  If you want to do a little pre-reading go check out the book of Ruth in the Bible.  Let's anticipate that God is going to meet some people in a special way this week and for some, it will be the first time they experience that!  Join us in that anticipation.  Join us in prayer.  And join us this Sunday!  Bring someone along with you.  They'll thank you!

See you in church!