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                                                                May 18, 2016


 "Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:4-5


 YFC Board: We are blessed to have such a wonderful group of people who desire to see the youth of the Comox Valley come to know the Lord! Please be in prayer for Charlie Zerkee, Jake Jacobson, Elaine Richards, John & Devon DePutter, Conrad & Melanie Madill,   Mark Beeler, Grant Nelson & Nathania Schmaling. Please continue to pray for a Board Chair and Vice Chair.  


Volunteers: Praise for the volunteers who work alongside YFC


Summer Grant:  We received a summer grant!! Korinna Klassen is our new summer staff.


Summer: Pray for all the summer plans!


Robbie Taylor: Please pray for wisdom for Robbie as he leads the YFC staff. 

  • Pray for Amanda as she travels to and from Victoria. She is working at Victoria General hospital as part of her training.
  • pray for wisdom for Robbie and staff as they plan the summer.

Summer Grant:  We should hear soon whether we will be receiving a grant.



  • Wednesday afternoons - the staff will be serving at Gaglardi Academy. 
  • Wednesday Girl's Drop-In: 4-7pm at Riverbend
  • Arden Elementary  PLC days  -YFC volunteer Korinna Klassen is helping with this.
  • Cumberland Floor Hockey-is over for this school year. Grant Nelson is heading this up. He is  looking to do some baseball with the Cumberland boys.
  • School sports or Game club
  • Soccer ministry
  • The staff are doing  one on one meetings with youth!
  • KD(Kraft Dinner) lunch at Vanier on Fridays
  • 3DDrama Club on Friday’s at Riverbend-hosted by Martha Curtis and Alison.


Jillian Thompson: Is working a few hours a month at the Link. She is also working with Shannon at the Games Club on Thursdays; involved in Oasis Jr. High youth group at the Baptist church; and doing a one on one with a young lady

  • Praise her ear surgery went well! Please pray for the healing and recovery.
  •  Continued prayer for the Girl's Drop-in on Wednesdays

 Alison Saunders:  She and Martha Curtis are doing a 3DDrama club on Friday nights at Riverbend. Alison is also working with a girl’s group at Comox Pentecostal Church along with Clair Farnell on Thursdays. 

  • The Gaglardi music group –please pray as they serve local seniors and their school through music. Pray that the group would grow closer and that they would encounter Jesus Christ.
  • Highland games club: for student interest and good, meaningful conversation.
  • Please pray for summer plans
  • Please pray for students as they plan for the summer - or after graduation.

Jonny Craig: He is very involved in the Community soccer program. He is also having a boy’s small group and breakfast early Thursday and Friday mornings. Jonny and Jeremy work together at Lake Trail’s Coaches Corner. He is also involved in KD Fridays at Vanier. He supervises open gym on Tuesday’s at Highland.

  • Pray for the Thursday and Friday morning discipleship groups, that the boys would take seriously what they learn and have the boldness to apply it in their lives.
  • Currently in the process of applying to extend my stay in Canada. Prayers for a smooth and successful application process would be appreciated.
  • Also that I would receive the required finances to support my stay.
  • Kenton goes to Vancouver May 17th and is getting an MRI scan May 18th. This will show whether or not the radiation was successful. Pray for good results!

Shannon White: Is facilitating a small girls group at Vanier on Tuesdays and a Games Club on Thursdays at Lake Trail School. She is also involved with St. Peter’s youth; KD lunch on Fridays; Oasis Sr. High Youth Group;  Mark Isfeld Discussion group with Randy and is having  one on one times with a some girls. 

  • Please pray for Madison-she has applied for CIT at Camp Homewood
  • I talked to Homewood and am looking into doing a week of counselling at sailing camp. 


Nanaimo ministry:

Please continue to lift up Tessa and Paul as they work with the youth in Nanaimo. Pray for open doors in different areas of the community.

  • Pray also for the Board-pray that there would be many people that see the value of having this ministry as part of the Nanaimo community.
  • Please pray for Alisha as she takes over Tessa's role at the local elementary school food program
  • Please pray for Paul's transition to  YFC Victoria,(still living & working in Nanaimo) at the end of June.
  • pray for camp fundraising events for kids
  • My Faith Journey
  • Drop-In Hockey & ball hockey at NDDS
  • Games Club and Breakfast Club at Wellington High School. 
  • Nanaimo District Secondary School Skits and Clips program. 
  • Thanksgiving for God's goodness and supply!
  • Prayer for Tessa as she is getting married June 29th and starting work with Capernwray on July 10th. Her last youth group & games club with YFC is June 22nd. Prayer for Paul in the transition.

YFC National & International: Please pray for this team of leaders. The National Ministry Conference is June 30th - July 3rd


Please pray for the different chapters around the world who are serving in very difficult situations.


Please pray for the Sullivan family. Ben Sullivan passed away this past weekend. Their daughters were involved with YFC.


Please pray for the Philippsen family,  Irene passed away recently. Her husband (who is also with the Lord) served as Treasurer on our  local YFC Board for many years.