Welcome! We're so glad you're here.

We understand that there can be some questions when considering coming to a new church and we wanted to make sure those are answered for you. If you have any question that aren't answered here, please give us a call at the office (250.334.2727) or come by the info desk on Sunday. We'd love to help you and we can't wait to meet you!

When do the services start?

We have three services, one at 9:00AM, one at 10:45AM, and a third service in the evening at 6:30PM. Come and grab a seat, or come a little early and get a free coffee and meet some new people in the lobby.

How long are the services?

About 1 hour and 15 minutes. The first service will be done by 10:15AM, the second by 12:00PM, and the third by 7:45PM.

What should I expect?

You can expect to be greeted at the door by our welcome team and they will be happy to let you know where to go. If you have kids that need to be checked-in to Sunday School, look for our team in the green shirts and you can find the check-in table directly to the left of the front doors. (We have more on this further down the page)

Our service consists of worship music for 25 minutes, announcements, inspirational stories from people from our community, and a 35 minute talk from one of our pastors or a guest.  

If you would like to meet some people or get someone to pray for you, you can find that, or if you want to come, sit, watch and leave, you can do that too.

What should I wear?

Come as you are!  We work hard to be real people.  Every Sunday you will be amidst highly educated and barely educated people, very wealthy people and poor people, older people and younger people and people from all sorts of backgrounds.  Everyone fits and no one fits.  There is not a standard by which we measure people.  So you can come as you are.

What do I do with my kids?

We have staff and volunteers to work with all kids up to grade five!  When you come in there is a desk in the lobby to sign your kids up so that you will know they will be safe. Feel free to familiarize yourself with the classrooms they'll be in.  

At about 9:10AM, 10:55AM, and 6:40PM we let the kids leave the main service to go to age specified classes where they will do songs, crafts, games and will learn about a story from the Bible.  They will be held in the class until you go and get them after the service.